Anna Lamott’s expert from her novel Bird by Bird, called “Shitty First Drafts”, brought a new perspective to the concept of writing first drafts. She created a deeper meaning for the purpose of drafts when writing and used it as an opportunity to freely let out all of her thoughts onto paper without the pressures and anxiety entailed when initially starting a paper and not knowing where to begin. Lamott makes shitty first drafts an essential part of her life as an author, relying on them to allow her to succeed in her writing, even though it may seem hopeless in the beginning. I too struggle with the anxiety and pressures of writing, not knowing where to begin; just like all situations in my life- and find the concept of shitty first drafts as a way for me to test different situations and ideas out without finalizing my thoughts. It puts my mind at ease knowing I have the ability to take my time and think through things before initiating those final actions that can’t be redone. Rather than giving up, taking the time to think through situations and decisions that can greatly impact your life is important. Having an organized lifestyle has helped me navigate through life with ease and aided me to be confident in the decisions I make and the actions I take.
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