Viral marketing is commonly used by companies to advertise their products on the internet. This is now a widely used form of advertising because most of society is consumed by the internet and social media. Ads appear on the side screens of internet sites, based on your recent searches or interests. Viral marketing comes in many different forms such as “video clips, interactive flash games, images, web pages” are just a few. For my third project I will be using a recipe video, an Instagram account, and a web page including a guide to veganism as my viral marketing project. I can utilize this form of marketing within my three genres to attract people to my community. Using persuasive and intriguing language describing my genres, I will draw people’s attention to my community. Making posts on my Instagram blog that are colorful and informative about the vegan community will be effective in informing my audience about veganism. My recipe video will describe the step-by-step process in how to make “Vegan Avocado Mousse”, providing viewers with all the information they need to make the recipe. It portrays bright colored images with Bob Marley playing in the background. These forms of media give insight on the content of my community and its interactive nature.