While exploring various research topics, I brainstormed subjects that I am most curious about and would be intrigued in furthering my knowledge on. I began with matters that I have a personal interest in and thought deeply about which fields of discussion I would expend the most on and center my research towards. I finally narrowed my decision down to health and fitness, leading to my interest in vegetarianism and veganism. I thoroughly thought of the possibilities that veganism and vegetarianism entail and the potential I have in researching it. With my easy access to the vegan community, I have the ability to interview multiple people and learn more about their personal experiences and their motives for being committed to their morals. I kept in mind the importance of committing to a single topic in order to make the most sense within my writing and to be able to go into explicit detail about the vegan community. With my general topic of veganism, I’m able to narrow my focus and form working research questions that will help guide my writing. Considering I’m taking ENC2135 in Summer C, my time is limited so I’ll be unable to do extensive research for several weeks, although I have easy access to my information.