Interview Responses- Alex McDermott 1) My main motives for becoming vegan were focused around animal rights as well as environmental factors. I started to realize that the causes I supported and the moral opinions I was expressing were not in line with my actions, so I made a change. 2) I’ve lost a total of 70 pounds since I started living the vegan lifestyle. I’ve notice a huge increase in energy and my skin has cleared up. I also sleep so much better. 3) ^^ 4) I think the biggest thing that I contribute is setting an example. I know that the way I live my life has influenced the people around me to think about the impacts of their food choices and how it affects the world around us. My boyfriend is now a vegetarian and it makes me happy that I was able to help him choose that lifestyle. 5) I read a lot of blogs and also use you-tube a lot to learn new recipes as well as follow vegan families who are heavily involved in the community.
Instagram account: fullyrawkristina
Youtuber: Ellen Fisher
Documentaries- “What the Health”, “Cow Spiracy” 6)^^^ 7) my parents are respectful of my choice for the most part. my mom tried being vegan for a few months in the beginning, but she ended up not sticking with it. 8) I eat much healthier and more local which decreases my carbon footprint. 9) knowing that I can live a sustainable life without hurting other living things 10) I think that the biggest thing that motivates me is my love for the earth as well as animals. our planet is slowly dying, and people don’t realize how much animal waste contributes to the change in the environment.